Thursday, 8 January 2015

SCCM 2012 - Download Prerequisite Files for Offline Install

While installing SCCM 2012 R2 you will encounter this screen:

             If you are fortunate enough to be able to connect to the internet simply specify a download location and click next. If you are installing SCCM on a server which has no internet access, you will need to acquire the Prerequisite files on another machine and then import them into the installer.

            In order to acquire these files, you need to log on to a 64bit machine which has internet access. From the extracted SCCM installer folder, copy the  %\SMSSETUP\BIN\X64\ directory on to the 64 bit machine. Once the copy has completed, open up setupdl.exe:

Once it has opened, enter the location you wish to download the pre requisites to:

Click 'Download' and the prerequisites will stat to download to the aforementioned directory.

Once the download has completed, you can point the SCCM installer to that location and it should merrily pull in all the required updates.

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